Now that you know well what periodontal
disease is and what it can do to our oral health, let’s take a look at the
option of periodontal pocket reduction as our secondary and tertiary care.
This is a normally healthy mouth from daily brushing and flossing. The gum is light pink and fits snugly around the teeth. Once plague and tartar build up on the exposed surface of the teeth, the gums will become inflamed and start pulling away from the teeth, causing bacteria invested gum pockets like the image shown below.
Without treatment from a professional periodontist, tissue and even bone can be destroyed causing tooth loss.
The best way to treat severe periodontal disease, and you
guessed it, is periodontal pocket reduction. Just like it sounds, this
procedure reduces the size of pockets that form in the gums and reshapes tissue
to fit more snugly around the teeth.
So how does
periodontal pocket reduction work at David S. Kao DDS?
Dr. Kao is a well-known board certified periodontist
and dental implant
specialist serving in Downtown and greater Los Angeles for many years.
He will remove bacteria and diseased gum tissues before starting the procedure.
This allows the gums to reattach to a smooth surface.
Next, Dr. Kao will reshape remaining tissue
so that it fits more securely around teeth and reduces the depth of pockets between
the teeth and the gums. If bone loss is identified, a bone grafting procedure may
be done.
This easy and simply procedure can only be done by a professional with the right tools. If your dentist mentioned periodontal pocket reduction as an options, we will be happy to discuss the treatment plan with you and whether there are other treatments that are a better option. Feel free to give us a call at (213) 250-7554 or schedule an online appointment with us.
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